I was watching an old re-run of The Magnificent Seven this morning while waiting for the laundry to dry and hunkering down because of rainy,miserable weather. Hurricane Ike has come aground, and the country is awash in water.
Although I have seen it many times, it was a nostalgic journey back in time, when the good guys were good, the bad guys were really bad, and good always won out over evil.
In our "today" world, life is no longer black and white, good and bad, or where the good guys are always right. It is a world of grey and menacing threats, everything is not as it appears on the surface, and the bad buys are lurking in the mountains.
We don't appear to have a band of brothers to come and save us from threats and dangers.
I am not sure why today's film stars think they are so much superior to the rest of mankind.
Back in those times Yul Brunner, Charles Bronson and Steve McQueen et al, were doing a job, just like the man at the gas station, the doctor or the gym trainer. The fact that people recognized them on walk-abouts and made them "celebs" did not detract from their inherent connection with everyday people.
History teaches us everything and nothing. We refuse to learn from past mistakes or even past triumphs. We continue stumbling around trying to re-invent the wheel (oh so far in history!!).
Until there is a universal understanding that all men need to work together to create a world that will sustain all mankind, regardless of race, color, creed or religion, life will continue to be fraught with uncertainty and unhappiness at all levels. I know the rich don't want to really share wealth with the poor, and there will always be those that have and those that don't have. It is childish and naive to believe
that all men will share equally.We are missing the simplicity of life when The Magnificent Seven saved the village from the bandit and they all lived happily ever after. Well, some of them didn't live, but what the heck, it was only a movie!